1970-74 University of Bologna, Italy. Laurea in Political Science, Faculty of Political Science. Final grade: 110 magna cum laude (highest mark).
1976-78 European University Institute, Florence, Italy
1978-79 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. USA.
Academic Positions
2021- Alma Mater Professor, University of Bologna, Bologna.
2017- Chercheur Affilié au Cevipof, Sciences Po, Paris.
2000-21 Full Professor of Comparative Politics, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna.
1998-20 Associate Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Economics, University of Calabria, Arcavacata.
1984-98 Senior Lecturer of Political Science and Comparative Politics at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna, Bologna.
Research and Teaching Activity Abroad
Attaché de recherche, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris (1982)
Chargé de recherche, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris (1986)
Visiting Professor, University of Tunisi II (1995)
Visiting Professor, University ofTrier (1996)
Visiting Fellow, Christ Church College, Oxford University (1996)
Visiting Professor, Texas A&M University (1996)
Visiting Professor, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Trier Universität (1996)
Visiting Professor, Université de Montréal (2002, 2003)
Visiting Professor, Denver University (1996, 2005, 2007)
Visiting Professor, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II (1998-2002, 2004)
Visiting Professor, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Lille (1999)
Visiting Professor, Universitad Autonoma, Madrid (2007)
Visiting Fellow (Jemolo Fellowship), Nuffield College, Oxford University (2007)
Visiting Professor, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris (2008)
Visiting professor, CEVIPOF (Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques), Paris (2016)
Board Membership of Journals and Research Institutions
2006-2014 Chairman of the Research Committee n.6 (Political Sociology), International Political Science Association
2006-2014 Chairman of the Research Committee n.18 (Political Sociology), International Sociological Association:
2009-2011 Editor in chief of the journal Il Mulino Journal of politics and culture.
2004-2010 Member of the Editorial Board of the International Political Science Review
2001-2013 Member of the Scientific Board of the Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
2006-2014 President of the Research committee n.6 (Political Sociology) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA).
2006-2014 President of the Research committee n.18 (Political Sociology) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) (2006-2014).
Coordination of Inter-University Research
2012 Electoral Systems, Parties and Political Personnel in Italy (1987-2008). Coordinator Bologna unit (36 months).
2007 The Centre-Periphery Relationship in the Italian Parties. The Institution Modifications and the Stratarchical Process. Coordinator Bologna unit (36 months).
2006 Role Conceptions of the Italian Foreign Policy Actors. Coordinator Bologna unit (24 months).
2003 Organizational Changes in the Italian Parties . National Coordinator (24 months).
2001 The European Transnational Federations and Their Relationship with the Eu Candidate Members. Coordinator Bologna unit (24 months).
1996 Transformation of European Party Systems. Coordinator Bologna unit (12 months).
1993 Crisis of Legitimacy and New Forms of Political Participation. Coordinator Bologna unit (24 months).
Organisation of International Scientific Meetings
2014 Convenor and Programme coordinator of the Committee for Political Sociology panels at the XXIII IPSA Congress, Montreal, Canada. (4 panels)
2014 Co-Convenor of the Research Committee on Political Sociology panels at the XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology Yokohama, Japan. (14 panels)
2012 Convenor of the Committee for Political Sociology panels at the II° ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (16 panels)
2012 Convenor and Programme coordinator of the Committee for Political Sociology panels at the XII IPSA World Congress, Madrid, Spain. (20 panels)
2010 Co-Convenor and co-Chair of the session ‘Is there a European Model of Governance for Religion? The Role of Religion in the Contemporary European Space’ at the IPSA Conference on “Is There a European Model of Governance? A Comparative Perspective”. Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
2010 Convenor and Programme coordinator of the Research Committee on Political Sociology panels at the XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Goteborg, Sweden. (18 panels)
2009 Convenor and Programme coordinator of the Committee for Political Sociology panels at the XXI IPSA Congress, Santiago de Chile, Chile. (5 panels)
2008 Convenor and Programme coordinator of the Committee for Political Sociology panels at the I° ISA forum for Sociology, Barcelona, Spain. (12 panels)
2006 Convenor of the IPSA/ISA International conference on “Class and religion in contemporary party politics”, University of Bologna, Italy
Activity in the Public Sphere
Editorialist for the daily newspapers:
Il Sole 24-Ore 1993-2012; La Repubblica 2012-2020; Il Domani 2020-
Editorialist for the weekly:
L’Espresso 2007-2017.