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- ‘Alleanza nazionale’ in I.Diamanti e R.Mannheimmer (a cura di) Milano a Roma, Guida all’Italia elettorale del 1994, Milano, Donzelli, 1994, pp.43-52.
- ‘Il Movimento sociale’, in G.Pasquino (a cura di) La politica in Italia. Dizionario critico 1945-1995, Bari, Laterza, 1995, pp.273-286.
- ‘Il partito radicale’, in G.Pasquino (a cura di) La politica in Italia. Dizionario critico 1945-1995, Bari, Laterza, 1995, pp.311-324.
- ‘Les extrême droites’ en Europe, in P.Perrineau,C.Ysmal (dir.) Le vote des douze. Les élections européennes de juin 1994, Paris, Département d’Etudes Politiques du Figaro et Presses de la FNSP, 1995, pp.123-152.
- ‘The Movimento Sociale Italiano’ in S. Sechi (ed.) Deconstructing Italy: Italy in the Nineties, University of California at Berkeley, Research Series. N.91, 1995, pp.292-312.
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- ‘The Italian Party System: The Effective Magnitude of an Earthquake’ (with L.Bardi) in P.Ignazi and C.Ysmal (eds) The Organization of Political Parties in Southern Europe, Westport, Praeger, 1998, pp.91-109
- ‘MSI/AN: A Mass Party with the Temptation of the Fuhrerprinzip’, in P.Ignazi and C.Ysmal (eds) The Organization of Political Parties in Southern Europe, Westport, Praeger, 1998, pp. 157-177.
- ‘Conclusion: Party Organization and Power – A Southern European Model?’ (with C. Ysmal) in P.Ignazi and C.Ysmal (eds) The Organization of Political Parties in Southern Europe, Westport, Praeger, 1998, pp.281-304.
- ‘Un paese Peter Pan?’ in A. Calabrò (a cura di) Un viaggio imperfetto. L’Italia e l’integrazione europea , Milano, Il Sole 24 0re, 1999, pp. 93-114.
- ‘I partiti e la politica (1963-1992)’ in G. Sabbatucci, V.Vidotto (a cura di) Storia d’Italia, vol. VI, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 1999 pp.102-232
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- ‘Les partis d’extrême droite: les fruits inachevés de la société postindustrielle’, in P. Perrineau (dir.) Les croisés de la société fermée. L’Europe des extrême droites, Paris, Editions de l’Aube, 2001, pp.369-384.
- ‘Il Parlamento Europeo’ (con Lucia Rossi) in S.Fabbrini ( a cura di) L’Unione Europea Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2002, pp.151-170.
- ‘The Extreme Right: Defining the Object and Assessing the Causes’ in Shain,M., Zolberg, A. and Hossay, P. (eds) Shadows over Europe: the Deveolpment and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe . New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp. 21-38.
- ‘The Development of the Extreme Right at the End of the Century’ in Merkl,P. and Weinberg, L. (eds) Right-Wing Extremism in the Twenty-First Century, London, Frank Cass, 2003, pp. 143-158.
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- ‘The Three Ages of Party Politics in Postwar Italy’ in K. Lawson (ed) Political Parties and Democracy, Vol. II Europe, Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2010, pp. 47 – 70.
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